Vancouver Ready Mix Partners with Isle of Mann for Maple Ridge Condominium Development – UPDATE
On February 20th, 2014 Vancouver Ready Mix set a new single project volume record when they poured 519mᶟ of ready mix concrete for the first portion of the suspended slab for the Station One project.
Vancouver Ready Mix supplied the concrete, Pumping Services Inc. pumped and Achieve Concrete Inc. placed the concrete for this first phase of the suspended slab for this conveniently located residential development in Maple Ridge, BC.
Thanks go out to the team at Vancouver Ready Mix: Larry Wilson, Jason Woodcock and the talented team of drivers for keeping the concrete delivery on-time and to specification.
The next phase of this project will once again set a new record when we pour the estimated 650mᶟ for the remainder of the suspended concrete slab and slab on grade portions of this project.
Stay tuned for more updates